Q: Who's your favorite musician(s)?
A: Bear Sauls, Warren Haynes, Allen Woody, Donnie McCormick, Berry Oakley, Rickey Medlocke, Bee Spears, Waylon Jennings Groups? The Stones, Eric Quincy Tate, Bad Company, The Allman Brothers, Govt. Mule.
Q: What is your favorite song?....yes, just one!
A: Too many to name.
Q: Do you get nervous before a performance?
A: I don't get nervous. I get psyched, but try to focus on my job as a bassist and vocalist. It's better to stay cool.
Q: How do you handle mistakes during a performance?
A: When I make a mistake I try to smooth it into the bass line.
Q: What advice would you give to beginners who are nervous?
A: Be sure of your music. Confidence makes you fearless.
Q: How often and for how long do you practice? Exercises?
A: I "practice", now, when I'm learning songs. When you play 300 nights a year, it's a way of life, you play everyday and don't think of it as practice.